
August 17, 2019

Barbara Durrant: How a newborn rhino could help to save his subspecies cousins from extinction

Some rhinos in human care don’t reproduce well, which complicates efforts to sustain these important insurance populations. Scientists have worked for years to develop reliable means of artificial reproduction, with limited success.

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May 27, 2019

Last male Sumatran rhino in Malaysia dies

Malaysia’s last male Sumatran rhinoceros, Tam, has died—a serious blow for the critically endangered species, which is already extinct in the country.

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May 27, 2019

Tam, Malaysia’s last male Sumatran rhinoceros, dies of old age

The last male Sumatran rhinoceros in Malaysia has died of old age, dashing efforts to save the critically endangered species in the country.

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May 27, 2019

Tam, Malaysia's only male Sumatran rhino dies

KOTA KINABALU: Malaysia's last remaining male Sumatran rhinoceros, affectionately called Tam, has died today.

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May 20, 2019

Not looking good for Tam

Sabah Wildlife Department director Augustine Tuuga said serious concerns were growing over the health of the rhino named Tam, whose appetite and alertness had declined abruptly since late April this year.

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November 14, 2018

The Fragile Songs of the Sumatran Rhinos

As lead veterinarian of the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary (srs) on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, he watched as the rhino named Ratu gave birth to her second calf. The calf, who later would be named Delilah, was coming out wrong—hind feet first. This meant the umbilical cord could strangle her. Arsan was ready to try to help.

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October 25, 2018

Desperately seeking Indonesian’s help to save rhinos

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah’s only hope to save its critically endangered Sumatran Rhinos is to have the planned in vitro fertilization (IVF) programme to proceed as soon as possible, or start finding alternative methods.

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October 10, 2018

Indonesian government puts off Sumatran rhino IVF program

JAKARTA — Hopes for a long-awaited collaboration between Indonesia and Malaysia to breed the near-extinct Sumatran rhino are fading fast, as the last of the species languish amid government inaction.

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October 2, 2018

The rhino reckoning

There is a clip from the documentary Torgamba: the Last Rhino that I watch over and over. It shows Torgamba, the male Sumatran rhino who spent much of his life in the U.K. before being sent back to Indonesia, returning to his native country. Tom Foose and Nico van Strien are waiting for him. Neither of them are comfortable-looking TV presenters, but these are scientists, not celebrities.

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September 28, 2018

The great rhino U-turn

As we walk out into the zoo enclosure, Cossatot comes over to greet me. Cossatot is a capybara, the size of a very big dog; his species is the world’s largest rodent. He quickly determines from smelling my hands that I’ve neglected to bring him a treat. Looking a bit put out, he goes back to lounging in his one-man kingdom. But where Cossatot reigns was once the domain of an even larger, far more endangered animal. Little does Cossatot know, but his kingdom has made history. I’m visiting the old Sumatran rhino enclosures of Cincinnati Zoo with Terri Roth, head of the zoo’s Center for Conservation and Research of Endangered Wildlife (CREW), and Paul Reinhart, leader of the team that cared daily for the rhinos.

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Cover of the BORA publication, The Hairy RhinocerosSample page from the Hairy Rhinoceros
The Hairy Rhinoceros: History, ecology and some lessons for management of the last Asian megafauna

Published by Natural HIstory Publications
216 pages, hardcover

You may obtain your copy from Natural History Publications or Sunda Shelves
Habitat Restoration for Fruit-eating Wildlife - an illustrated handbook

BORA has recently launched a pair of publications that compile all our knowledge on the food plants of wild Bornean Orangutans. The aim is to energise what we believe to be actions for the conservation of our endangered red apes.

This publication was produced as part of the "Experimental Habitat Restoration for Orangutans in Kinabatangan landscape", a project by the Sabah Landscapes Programme under WWF Malaysia, funded by Unilever.

"An Illustrated Guide to Bornean Orangutan Food Plants" is a practical toolkit and provides a road map to enrich set aside lands within the mixed landscape of oil palm plantations which dominate Sabah's northeast to contribute to Orangutan conservation.

The actions are uncomplicated and can be easily adopted. What now remains is for key stakeholders, particularly the plantation sector, to adopt habitat enrichment as their contribution to safeguarding Sabah's wildlife.

The publication may be downloaded for free here.

"Habitat Restoration for Fruit-eating Wildlife" is a handbook illustrated with over 80 photos. It provides a comprehensive guide to all aspects of propagating, planting and maintaining native trees, hemiepiphytes and lianas, with an emphasis on Ficus (wild figs) in the equatorial region of Borneo.

Together with text that outlines the bigger picture, the publication provides details of good nursery practice, vegetative propagation, seed preparation and storage, and strategies for dealing with common problems.

The publication may be downloaded for free

BORA and WWF Malaysia handbooks to be used in habitat enrichment with the food plants of wild orangutans


Environmental Sustenance For Wildlife with Dr. Hamid (Part 1/3)

Environmental Sustenance For Wildlife with Dr. Hamid (Part 2/3)

Environmental Sustenance For Wildlife with Dr. Hamid (Part 3/3)


PRESS RELEASE FROM BORA on Seladang in Perak



Visit of His Excellency, Michalis Rokas, the EU Ambassador to Malaysia

The EU Ambassador's visit to BORAVisit of the EU Ambassador